EVI karathanasopoulou |
June - September 2018
Evi Karathanasopoulou's work focuses on Audio Media, Sound Studies, Architecture and Education. Currently, she is a lecturer in Audio Production at Bournemouth University, teaching on a range of media production and theory units, including interactive documentary production; and she is involved in practice-based research, using Audio Production as a means to further research the intimate capacities of aural media. Karathanasopoulou’s residency was established in partnership with LABattoir and Goethe-Institut Thessaloniki’s program Freiraum. It was launched through a workshop aiming to introduce participants to the ‘Art of Hearing’ and the concept of sound landscapes. Participants familiarized themselves with the basic ideas surrounding audio-based mass communication media and telling true stories with sound, learned how to record with portable devices and how to look for and create original documentary content. Throughout the Summer, Karathanasopoulou worked with old and new members of the Media Lab to develop a podcast series that will eventually be launched through the LABattoir project platform. The series documents the stories of ordinary people of the city of Thessaloniki as they’re told by themselves. So apart from training the participants, the work itself is the start of an oral history archive. The first samples of the series were presented in the context of the Freiraum presentation in the Artecitya Art Science Technology Festival by Helexpo. A further development of the series will also be included in Freiraum’s presentation in Berlin in Spring 2019.